The benefits of hiring a professional cleaner

the benefits of hiring a professional cleaner
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Benefits of hiring a professional cleaner

Have you considered hiring the services of a professional cleaner? Everyone has different reasons to hire cleaners – in addition, everyone has a different level of income and budget. Some may think that hiring a cleaning lady is an absolute necessity. While others consider it a luxurious pampering. Regardless of how you look at it, you should consider hiring a house cleaner as the investment is well worth it.

If you’ve never used a cleaner before, you’ll probably spend a lot of time cleaning yourself – or not! If you’re busy with work and housework, you may find that cleaning is the last thing you want to do after a busy day. So, either you live in a dirty house, or you sacrifice precious free time, sleep, or rest to keep the house clean. Once you start enjoying the benefits of hiring a professional cleaner, you can quickly get used to the benefits of returning home to a freshly cleaned home.

But we would like to list some additional benefits that you may have overlooked.

Before hiring cleaners, many of our hardworking clients cleaned their homes every weekend. Is this what you want to do in your precious free time?

If you have children, they grow up so fast. Spending time together as a family is not something you can expect. Before you know it, these adorable kids have turned into grumpy teenagers who don’t want to go on family adventures.

Instead of spending your weekend’s cleaning, you can spend more time with your family. Waking up on Saturday morning knowing that the house is already perfectly clean… never gets old. If you’re having a busy weekend, you shouldn’t neglect house cleanliness while having fun – you can have both! This doesn’t just apply to family time; how about a relaxing holiday for yourself?

Instead of rubbing grout, relax in the tub with a good book and a glass of wine. Enjoy cooking meals without first scrubbing the surface.

Time Management Improvements

Or take the time to improve your health through exercise, meditation, or in-store retail therapy. Another advantage of hiring a professional cleaner is the free time to develop or start a business. If you are part of the 61% of Australian businesses that are self-owned, working on growing your business will be much more rewarding than spending time cleaning the toilet.

Maybe you have always dreamed of starting a minor fuss, but there was not enough time? Hiring a cleaner will help you offset the precious hours you need to get started as a consultant, artist, creator, or freelancer. If you stick to this rule, the new income can more than cover your cleaning expenses and also provide you and your family with a valuable source of extra income. Money Thinking Coach Denise Duffield-Thomas talks about the power of investing in cleaners in terms of mindset.

“My big investment when I started my business was to hire a cleaner for my house. Because my house has always been very dirty. And every weekend I argued with my husband about cleaning the bathroom. Hiring a cleaning lady is a pretty inexpensive way to get some of that crap out of your life and create a nice environment for yourself.

It is also very symbolic. Why are you running this business with a “it’s too expensive for me to clean my house” mentality. And I have to focus on income-generating activities.

If you do things like cleaning the bathroom, nobody pays you to do it. This is especially important if you work from home. Your home is your workplace, and you shouldn’t put off cleaning the toilet during the day.”

If you are not interested in starting a business, there is always more time for hobbies. Maybe you wanted to learn yoga, calligraphy, or repair old Volkswagen cars. You only have one life, so if your dream is to write a book, be a photographer, or master the piano, hire a cleaning lady and use your time to do what you’ve always wanted to do!

Have you ever been approached by a neighbour to borrow a cup of sugar? Or is the family passing because they were “in the area”? Or are your parents calling to say they’ll be with you in five minutes? So start some crazy cleaning before they arrive. With a cleaner on your team, you can safely invite people to come back to your house for a drink without worrying about the look of your home.

Spontaneous invitations to game meetings, coffee with friends or afternoon drinks are now at your disposal.

You can host a family barbecue without spending hours cleaning before guests arrive, so you feel frazzled when the doorbell rings for the first time. Couples often argue about cleanliness.

This can so often cause tension in a marriage. A recent study showed that in couples with children, women spend 30 hours a week on housework, while men spend half that amount, i.e. 15 hours a week. No wonder this is a common source of controversy! Average number of hours spent doing housework each week by Australian men and women. Of course, all families are different, but if there is any inequality in housework, when one partner works more and the other rests more, then there will definitely be tension.

One problem is unconscious over-pretentiousness, a tendency noted by writer Gretchen, who argues that we unconsciously overestimate our contributions or abilities compared to other people. In Gretchen’s case, she complains about wasting time paying house bills, forgetting that her husband is doing the shopping or servicing the car. Hiring a cleaner solves this problem once and for all.

When the cleaner is doing their job, unconscious demands don’t matter, and neither does sincere frustration at the spouse’s lack of cleanliness. Because the cleaner will take care of everything, and at a higher level. The cleaning lady won’t vacuum the corners or forget the bathroom upstairs – everything will be done exactly as required, week after week. When you have a hard time doing household chores, your house is not cleaned regularly.

This increases the likelihood of allergens and dust accumulating in the home. Do you or your family suffer from asthma, respiratory problems, eczema or hay fever? Therefore, it is important that there are no triggers in the home that can cause symptoms.

Even if no one gets hurt, it’s still nice to have a fresh, clean home with that delicious clean home scent to enjoy. One of the benefits of hiring a professional cleaner is to reduce the risk of allergens such as dust, mold, and house mites. If you don’t have a cleaning product, you probably don’t have time to do deep and thorough cleaning often enough. This leads to unwanted nasty things lurking in dusty corners, cobwebs on the ceiling, mold in the grout, and more. If you have a regular cleaner, you can be sure that the air in your home is much cleaner and fresher.

Especially if you use cleaning services. Ask someone to take care of changing bedding, cleaning the refrigerator, or vacuuming pet hair.

Are you struggling with the schedule of keeping your house clean? You will most likely cut corners. Because you don’t have the time or energy to thoroughly clean your home. Of course, since you’re busy, you can’t do everything!

But when you hire a professional cleaner, things are different. You can rest easy knowing that everything will be done carefully. Our cleaners love to clean the way Monica from Friends loves to clean – a lot! Professional cleaners will not only penetrate every nook and cranny, but will also be more delicate. They know which products to use on which surfaces.

Or when intensive washing can cause damage to the laminate, tile or countertop. Thus, there is less chance of damage associated with cleaning. Also, if you haven’t used a cleaner in a while, dust and mold build-up will make the job more difficult. We’ve all seen moldy bathroom solutions: impossible to clean; a redirect is often the only solution.

Regular cleaning prevents such serious problems. For example, dust hidden behind a freestanding bathtub can accumulate. Combined with bath water splashes, it dries out. This can be a huge pain to clean, especially in a tight corner.

Is it better to have a house cleaner do it? Ready to reap the benefits of hiring a professional cleaner?

Find a professional home cleaner from a small business near you.

Feature Image by klimkin from Pixabay

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